Das Album ist stilistisch sehr an den Vorgänger Graveyard Shift (2017) angelehnt und birgt die ein oder andere Überraschung. Ein ziemlich interessanter Song ist Another Life. Mehr über ihn erfahrt ihr in der neuen Lieder-Lupe, bevor die Band am 29. November ein Konzert in Dresden spielt.
Die Lieder-Lupe Vol. 33 ist am 06.08.2019 in der Sendung Radio UNiCC On Air gelaufen
If I can't let you go will darkness divide?
For the fiction of love is the truth of our lies
We were playing for keeps, but we both knew the cost
Now the only way out's in your heart shaped box
But I hate that it seemed you were never enough
We were broken and bleeding but never gave up
And I hate that I made you the enemy
And I hate that your heart was the casualty
Now I hate that I need you
As we rest here alone like notes on a page
The finest to compose could not play our pain
With a candle through time I could still see your ghost
But I can't close my eyes, for it is there where you haunt me most
I hate that it seemed you were never enough
We were broken and bleeding but never gave up
And I hope that I sing through your memory
As we echo through time in the melody
Now I hate that I need you
And I hear you now when you said "It hurts, but it had to fall apart to work"
As I see you now in what's left of me
Is it too late to plead insanity?
'Cause I hate that it seemed you were never enough
You were broken and bleeding in the name of love
And I hope that we meet in another life
I don't hate that I need you